Work scheme

Work scheme



Visial inspection                                                                  Scheme of transmission of signals about an accident on overhead lines


1. Transmission of an emergency signal from the indicators to the overhead line through the GSM module built into the SCI to mobile devices of operational personnel and / or to the controller with subsequent transmission of information to the SCADA system according to the GOST R IEC 60870-5-104 protocol (National Standard);

2. Transmission of a signal about an emergency event from SCI to the overhead line and information about the controlled parameters of the overhead line to Electric Power Data Acquisition System via BLE-communication;

3. Transmission from of a signal about an emergency event on the overhead line from Electric Power Data Acquisition System via a GSM channel to mobile devices of operational personnel and / or transfer to the SCADA system of the NCC of information about the controlled parameters of the overhead line and about the accident on the overhead line according to the GOST R IEC 60870-5-104 protocol (National Standard);

4. Transmission of an emergency signal from the NCC via standard means of communication (telephone, cellular and radio communication, instant messenger) for inspection and elimination of the consequences of an accident on the line.


Indicators SCI-OPL35 Pro, SCI-OPL35 Pro S and SCI-OPL110 Pro S: Communication channels on the diagram: 1, 4

Indicators IKZ-OPL35 Pro T: Communication channels on the diagram: 2, 3, 4


Additional options for signalling an accident.

To implement the task of transmitting information about an accident in the absence or in the circumstances of unstable GSM connection in the area of ​​location of controlled overhead lines, the company’s developments make it possible to create an individual project for the development of a data transmission system from SCI using the LoRaWAN standard network – a technology of energy-efficient networks of increased range with a high degree of protection or PLC technology – a telecommunication technology based on the use of power grids for high-speed information exchange.