Short-circuit indicators for overhead lines of distribution electrical networks 6-110 kV are designed to determine the damaged section of the network, as well as to monitor the condition of the lines. Indicators can register accidents of the main types: phase-to-phase short circuit and single-phase short circuit to the ground. SCI allow you to set parameters of event registration to eliminate false trigger and store information on the latest accidents. The indicators do not require modernization of the power equipment of distribution substations/transformer substations/transformer and distribution substations or installation of measuring transformers or any other additional sensors. Short-circuit indicators work on lines with isolated, compensated, resistive or grounded neutral.
Indicators allow to reduce the time of troubleshooting and elimination of faults on the line due to line partitioning and shorten search area to bypass. As a result, the energy company’s losses associated with undersupply of electricity decreases, penalties from consumers significantly reduce, the CAIDI and SAIDI indices improve and also equipment downtime minimizes.
Each short circuit indicator is equipped with a means of visual control of an emergency situation: contrasting blinkers or super-bright LEDs, depending on the modification.
We offer a wide range of modifications of short circuit indicators; differences are in measurement and communication methods. The indicators use a short-range radio channel, GSM networks. Various modifications of the devices will allow you to choose the optimal model for solving problem based on such parameters as: the length of the power line, the presence of mobile communications or a dedicated radio channel in the region, the need to integrate data into the upper-level system, the number of taps on the line, the required measurement accuracy.
Short–circuit indicators:
The devices are designed and manufactured in Russia.
STC “Practic-Novator” has exclusive rights to distribution of products in Russia and the CIS countries.